#24035: Build your own too.

Yesterday was one of those days you experience beauty, and you are just smiling from ear to ear.

I couldn’t stop smiling. And I was literally rubbing my belly with my hands, as I am sure I was literally feeling butterflies.

I get distracted easily. But I caught myself so interested and listening as Seyi & Dami of DĂ  shared a bit of their process creating some of the most iconic brands in the African tech space.

I love close knit-events, especially the ones you can soak up on conversations in an immersive way. The ones were you can book a trip in your mind and journey to where things started, and come back to the present to experience it in real-time.

In everything, what struck me was Dami’s conviction in being able to defend everything—more like, for every result, we could work you through the ideology and process that got us here. I have known this about Seyi, but seeing how much they complemented each other was a rich experience.

If you want a line to go home with after reading my recap, this is it, “A detailed process will help you your ability to replicate excellence at scale. It will also help you pick up the skills you need to make it happen.”

I am inspired. Let me go and build my own now.

- O'gbemiro.

My name is O'gbemiro 😌

Life's a playground, and I'm here to swing! This newsletter dives into my curious approach to navigating faith, work, relationships, and everything in between. Join me as we unpack lessons from everyday encounters and build a more vibrant perspective together.

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